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The Cassette Tape Collection
Vintage cassette tapes discovered in deep storage and still in their glorious foam Case Logic carrying case, this collection of classic albums is all about the details. After not having seen them for about 30 years Scott was struck by how interesting each one was as an intricate little mechanical object. A little box of low tech science that has the sole purpose of transporting the art that lies dormant within. Photographed in 100 megapixel medium format, when printed large, they reveal all the wear and tear from years of sliding in and out of tape decks, boom boxes and Walkmans these cassettes are real survivors from another era. You can almost hear the music.
What was your first or favorite album? You can search the collection by artist name or album title through the search icon in the top right corner. If you don't see your favorite in the collection, we take requests. Reach out with the name of the cassette you are looking for and we'll do our best to track it down and add it to the collection for you.